
'To be or not to be, that's the question'

All about my shoes !
Friday 7 October 2011 | 14:42 | 0 voices
Ɯнɛи Iиƨρiяαтiσи Ғαi

Alahaiii . Hari ni aku masuk perhimpunan mcm biasa .. Dengan confident aku pi dk line dpan skali . Wah-2 ... Dengan berkasut sukan , berbaju aktiviti , berseluar track :) I had been a good listener to my teachers  . I put my sight on everybody who stood in front of me . I could see every single doing of them .

Suddenly , it was really expected scene had happened to me . Hahahhh . You know what ? My dicipline teacher 'Mr. Turtle' had noticed my fancy colour of  sport shoes . Loll ! Do I care ?? It was just like  a dust man  :)

Very unacceptable words ! He said that I'm a colourblindness ! Ishhhhhh !!!!!!!!
Loalasvbjncy7fcuvct6uwjncjcbdtnakiqrefywnwmsiuwrertqwertyuioplkjhgfdsxcvbnmnbvczsdfghn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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