
'To be or not to be, that's the question'

Moving Status
Saturday 28 January 2012 | 22:26 | 0 voices

Ni la apa yang Amani maksudkan , okay . Haaa tengok dia bergerak gerak ja kan ? Hahahahah . Kita boleh tukar direction (arah pergerakan) .

1) Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML

2) Copy this code :
</center>Status:<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" width="165" style="margin-left:4px;margin-bottom:-2px;">INI CONTOH STATUS .</marquee><br>
3) Paste kan code kat korang punya sidebar code . *Kepada orang yg pandai dalam coding .

Note : Status ni sesuai letak kat sidebar ja . So code dia kena ketak kat bawah code sidebar .
Merah , Ungu : Gantikan dengan ayat sendiri .
Hijau : Can be LEFT or RIGHT

Contoh :

<div class="bar">
<div class="main-title">Love Notes</div>
<center>Hi readers . This is a short note to let you know .
Find me at <a href="">Facebook</a> . Make me as your friend .
Tweeting with me at <a href="">Twitter</a> . There's a lot pictures to figure out
the way I think about at <a href="">Tumblr</a> .
Paste saja code dia bawah code atas ni . So that akan jadi mcm ni :

 <div class="bar">
<div class="main-title">Love Notes</div>
<center>Hi readers . This is a short note to let you know .
Find me at <a href="">Facebook</a> . Make me as your friend .
Tweeting with me at <a href="">Twitter</a> . There's a lot pictures to figure out
the way I think about at <a href="">Tumblr</a> .
</center>Status:<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" width="165" style="margin-left:4px;margin-bottom:-2px;">INI CONTOH STATUS .</marquee><br>
*tp ni code untuk blog Amani , hehehehhh ..


Follow me/Twitter